nordic skier.emeryart.2023.96dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Nordic Skier
Subalpine Fir/ Queen of the High Country 6"x8"
night ski.emeryart.2022.72dpi.jpg
Full Moon Ski, Limited edition of 15. 6"x8"
Woodcut: Regenerative Power of Fire
Woodcut: Contentment 6"x8" Limited Ed. of 10
Only 5 available
One Family One home.emeryart.20254.90dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Firelight - Voices of Montana
canoeing at the confluence.emeryart.2023.96dpiu.jpg
NEW: Canoeing at the Confluence
Woodcut: Edge of the World 6"x8" Limited edition of 20
ovando mountain.emeryart.2023.96dpi.jpg
NEW: All is Calm
January IMG_5951.jpg
NEW: Canada Lynx
Woodcut: September Moon
Only 3 available
Handpainted woodblock print winter cabin by Claire Emery Montana artist
Woodcut: Christmas Cabin 6"x8"
Hand painted woodblock print Moonlit Cabin by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Moonlit Cabin/ Inner Glow
November IMG_5991.jpg
NEW: Bull Trout
sharp tailed grouse.emeryart.2023.96dpi.jpg
NEW: Sharp-tailed Grouse
March IMG_5871.jpg
Woodcut: Primm Meadow
Woodcut: Under The Starry Sky 6"x8"
Woodcut: Camas
Hand painted woodblock print crossbills by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Crossbills/ Touching Life 8'x10"
Woodcut: Fireweed and Ice 6"x8" Limited Ed. of 20
Only 3 available
Woodcut: Long billed Curlew
hay bales.emeryart.2023.dpi.jpg
NEW: Hay Bales
hand painted woodblock print waxwings by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Waxwings
from Kidd Peak.emeryart.2022.72dpi.jpg
What the Tree Sees/View from Kidd Peak
Turning the Wheel.jpg
Woodcut: Raven I: Turning the Wheel
Hand painted woodblock print full moon and pine by Montana artist Claire Emery
Full Moon and Pine
Raven2.Listening to the Wind.emeryart2014.jpg
Woodcut: Listening to the Wind: Raven II
Northern Lights.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Northern Lights/ Standing Together 6"x8" ( Limited Ed. of 10)
Hand painted woodblock print holiday lighting the candles by Montana artist Claire Emery
Lighting the Candles
Only 3 available
Hand painted woodblock print winter rustic cabin by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Honeymoon Cabin, Limited Edition of 20. 6"x8"
Only 2 available
Woodcut: Presence
Only 5 available
hand made woodblock print holiday tree of life in red by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Red Tree of Life 4"x4"
Only 5 available
Woodcut: Nutcracker/Whitebark Guardian, Limited Edition of 10, 6"x8"
Cottonwood Cathedral 6"x8" Limited edition of 10
Woodcut: Whitebark Pine: Wind Poem
Woodcut: Many Glacier Valley: Into the Light 11"x11"
Only 4 available
Glacier.Chief Mountain.emeryart.100dpi.20117001.jpg
Woodcut: Chief Mountain: Ninaiistako
Woodcut: Blue Flax
wild rose.emeryart.222.72dpi.jpg
Woods Rose, 6"x8", Limited edition woodcut of 20
first launch.emeryart.2022.72dpi.jpg
First Launch. Limited Edition of 10. 6"x8"
Only 4 available
Woodcut: Chickadee Limited Ed. of 20. 8"x10"
buffalo.iinnii days.emeryart.72dpi.2022.jpg
Honoring Return: Buffalo in Blackfeet Country, 6"x8", Limited edition woodcut of 20
Woodcut: Single Spot of Color/ Stellar's Jay 8"x10" Limited edition of 20
the long climb, as if onto the back of air 6"x8" Limited edition of 10
Woodcut: Dipper
Woodcut: Springtime in the Rockies, Limited Edition of 10, 8"x10"
Woodcut: Glacier Lilies, Limited Edition of 10, 6"x8"
Woodcut: Winter Wren/ Resting in the Flow, Limited edition of 10, 6"x8"
downy woodpecker.emeryart.72dpi.2022 2.jpg
Woodcut: Downy Woodpecker
Canoeing Glacier.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Crossing Over 6"x8" Limited Ed. of 20
Handpainted woodblock print great blue heron by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Great Blue Heron
Only 3 available
Coming Home: Sandhill Cranes
Woodcut: Heading to the Den/ Grizzly Bear, Limited Edition of 10, 6"x8"
Blackfoot Swans.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Woodcut: White Wings Touch Shore 6"x8" (Limited Edition of 20)
Woodcut: Watching Wind & Weather/ Hoary Marmot
Hand painted woodblock print Indian Paintbrush wildflower by Montana artist Claire Emery
Indian Paintbrush: Spring Does Not Escape Me
Woodcut: Mountain Goat/ Looking Downstream
Woodcut: Meadowlark/ Spring Song, Limited Edition of 20, 8"x10"
Woodcut: Onward! 6"x8" Limited edition of 20
Pileated woodpecker handmade woodblock print by Claire Emery Missoula Montana
Woodcut: Pileated Woodpecker
Woodcut: Flicker: Flying Into the Light
Blossom 6"x8" Limited edition of 10
Handpainted shooting star wildflower woodblock print by Claire Emery Montana artist
Shooting Stars: Happiness Doubled by Wonder
hand painted woodblock print kingfisher by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Belted Kingfisher: Laughing in the Trees
Only 3 available
Hand painted woodblock print hawk owl by Montana artist Claire Emery
After the Burn: Hawk Owl
Woodcut: Encounter/ Black Bear Limited Edition of 20 8"x10"
Only 5 available
Hand made woodblock print snowy winter cabin by Claire Emery Montana artist
Woodcut: Time Away 6"x8"
Only 4 available
Hand painted woodblock print arrowleaf balsamroot wildflower by Montana artist Claire Emery
Arrowleaf Balsamroot: Rites of Spring
Osprey Sky dance.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Sky Dance: Osprey 8"x10" Limited Ed. of 10
Only 1 available
Woodcut: Open Way Winter Buddha (Limited Edition of 10) 6"x8"
Only 1 available
Hand painted woodblock print kingfisher by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Kingfisher/ Sitting with It
Hand painted woodblock print bluebirds by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Bluebirds 8"x10"
lupine wildflower handmade woodblock print by Claire Emery Missoula Montana
Woodcut: Lupine/ Coming Home
Montana Osprey Project: Success at the Nest
Hand painted woodblock print by Claire Emery breath sweeps mind
Breath Sweeps Mind
Only 1 available
Handpainted woodblock print springtime narcissus bulb by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Turn Life Around: Paper Whites
Only 1 available
Hand painted woodblock print tree of life in blue by Montana artist Claire Emery
Blue Tree of Life
Only 4 available
Hand painted woodblock print dove tree of life series by Montana artist Claire Emery
Dove Tree of Life
Only 1 available
Hand painted woodblock print cottonwood tree of life by Montana artist Claire Emery
Cottonwood Tree of Life
Only 5 available
Deep Looking: Circle of Life
Only 5 available
Hand painted woodblock print blue azure butterfly by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Blue Azure
Hand painted woodblock print alpine alphabet
Woodcut: A is for Alpine
Hand made woodblock print Monarch butterfly by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Monarch/ Right Conditions
Handmade woodblock print chicken silver laced wyandotte by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Silver Laced Wyandotte
sold out
Hand painted woodblock print loons by Montana artist Claire Emery
Loon: Daily Practice
Snowy Owl.jpg
Woodcut: Encounter: Snowy Owl Limited Ed. of 10 6"x8"
Woodcut: Climbing Uphill 6"x8" Limited edition of 10
Hand painted woodblock print nuthatches and apple blossoms by Montana artist Claire Emery
Nuthatches in Apple Blossom
pasque flowers.emeryart.2022.72dpi.jpg
Emergence: Pasque Flowers (Limited edition of 15, 6”x8”)
Woodcut: Spring Bounty
Hand painted original woodblock print summer bounty by Montana artist Claire Emery
Summer Bounty
Woodcut: Fall Bounty
Hand painted woodblock print winter bounty still life by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: Winter Bounty
Red Bird 8"x10" Limited edition of 10
Just below the peak: Gallardia 6"x8" Limited edition of 10
Hand painted woodblock print tiger swallowtail butterfly and lilac by Montana artist Claire Emery
Tiger Swallowtail: Drinking Deeply
Hand painted woodblock print barn alphabet series by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: B is for Barn
Only 4 available
Hand painted woodblock print Dinosaur alphabet series by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: D is for Dinosaur
Woodcut: Presence/ Black and White
Hand painted woodblock print Homestead alphabet series by Montana artist Claire Emery
Woodcut: H is for Homestead
Hand painted woodblock print Cottonwood alphabet series by Montana artist Claire Emery
C is for Cottonwood
Hand painted woodblock print varied thrush by Montana artist Claire Emery
Varied Thrush
Wild Iris.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Wild Iris. 6"x8" Limited Edition of 10
Blue Gentian.emeryart.2019.100dpi.jpg
Woodcut: Cup of the Cosmos: Blue Gentian 6"x8" Limited Ed. of 10
Only 4 available
Woodcut: Invincible Summer 6"x8" Limited Ed of 10
September IMG_5972.jpg
NEW: Wetland Restoration
Deep Listening: Flathead Lake
Deep Listening: Flathead Lake